Primal workshops
Learn a tantalisingly sensual peice of choreography (suitable for all levels) & love yourself this Vday or share with your partner at home!
This will be a floor work based class heels or no heels & no experience needed ❤
Saturday the 12th of Febuary at 12:30pm! 90 mins of sexy slink & fun.
Dm now to book £30pp (£25 primal members)
Date 12th feb
Time - 12.30 - 2
Location Primal eden
Price £30 none members
Valentines floor work
Secrets of the calisthenics levers
Come and learn from a calisthenics master trainer
In the secrets of the calisthenics levers we will be going through 3 of the most iconic statics in calisthenics the front lever and the back lever and for the more advanced athletes are there we will also be touching on the Victorian lever
in this workshop we will breaking down
-Training and conditioning methodologies for these
-Regressions and progressions
-Banded and assisted variations
-Leverages, biomechanics and muscles involved
Applying these techniques to a program
Date-21st may
Time- 1 till 4
Location -primal eden
Price £35 none members
Secrets of the Muscle up
Calling All calisthenics and CrossFit athletes!
The muscle up at being another one of the most iconic calisthenics exercises, but notoriously difficult without damaging your shoulders or flaring the elbows known as the dreaded 'chicken wing'
Come along to this workshop and learn the secrets from a calisthenics master trainer.
The pull up being one of the most fundamental exercises in calisthenics learning some tips and tricks about this movement and will only aid in your journey to the muscle up in this workshop we will be hitting on pull-ups muscle ups and false grip muscle ups.
also in this workshop you will learn
-Correct pull up form
-Progressions from the pull-up to the muscle-up
-Transition training
-How to convert pulling strength into power
-False grip conditioning
-Applying these techniques to a program
Date 26th march
Time 1 till 4
Location - primal eden
Price - £35 none members
Secrets of the Splits
delivered to you by mobility coaches the secrets of the splits workshop is not one to be missed if your goal is to achieve the splits as safely and as quickly as possible from the front splits to the box splits we will explore everything that the hits have to offer
in this workshop you will learn
-The anatomy of the splits
-The difference between passive and active flexibility and how to condition these
-cutting-edge mobility conditioning techniques for overall joint health
-our favourite most useful mobility and flexibility exercises
-Applying these techniques to a program
Date- 16th july
Time- 1 till 4
Location primal eden
Price - £35 none members
Principles of flexability and mobility
The principles of mobility workshop is delivered to you by qualified mobility coaches in this workshop you will learn the principles of mobility and how to apply it to your training for proper joint conditioning this applies to both the hips and shoulders Knees and spine if you want a truly resilient physique to withstand your Sports or you're looking for just over all physical longevity this information is key
in this workshop you will learn
-overall basic principles of mobility and joint conditioning
-how to apply these principles to your giving sports
-different mobility techniques for the hips
-different mobility techniques for the shoulders
-different mobility techniques for the spine
-how to program a mobility
Date - 20th august
Time - 1 till 3
Location - primal eden
Price - £35 none members
Primal Fire workshop
delivered to you by mobility coaches the secrets of the splits workshop is not one to be missed if your goal is to achieve the splits as safely and as quickly as possible from the front splits to the box splits we will explore everything that the hits have to offer
in this workshop you will learn
-The anatomy of the splits
-The difference between passive and active flexibility and how to condition these
-cutting-edge mobility conditioning techniques for overall joint health
-our favourite most useful mobility and flexibility exercises
Date - 17th september
Time - 2 till 4
Location - primal eden
Price £35 none members
The Principles of Aerial Conditioning
If your aerialists and you have good skill set but you think your training would benefit from being even stronger and higher levels of conditioning this workshop is just that, in this workshop we will teach you the fundamental movement patterns and muscle groups that are involved in the vast majority of aerial and how to condition them to give you a comprehensive guide on conditioning the aerial arts and pole dance
in this workshop you will learn
-the general anatomy of Ariel
-flexibility exercises for aerial
-the principles of strength conditioning
-how to program an aerial conditioning program
-how to get a stronger invert
-how to get stronger at pulling yourself up
Date -15th october
Time - 1 till 4
Location - primal eden
Price - £35
Intermediate - Advanced Aerial
delivered to you by mobility coaches the secrets of the splits workshop is not one to be missed if your goal is to achieve the splits as safely and as quickly as possible from the front splits to the box splits we will explore everything that the hits have to offer
in this workshop you will learn
-The anatomy of the splits
-The difference between passive and active flexibility and how to condition these
-cutting-edge mobility conditioning techniques for overall joint health
-our favourite most useful mobility and flexibility exercises